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Showing posts with the label Suffolk

Mind the Gap in Workplace Mental Health

  "Mental health at work" has become something of a buzz phrase in recent years, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Mental health" is the reason people "need to get back to the office" - because the extroverts are suffering, since they're no longer able to dominate meetings, talk people into agreeing to take on more work than they're actually comfortable with, or enthusiastically create a situation where, if getting drunk with people you already spend too much time with, or leaping on a zip wire, aren't really your thing, you're "unadventurous", "anti-social", and "not really a team player." The UK government insist work is good  for our "mental health", even as successful GPs decide they literally can't carry on anymore, and choose a permanent solution to the problem of burnout.  While the low wages, in comparison to the cost of living, and long hours of many jobs are actually c
This piece was written by Morgana Ford-McAllister, our Neurodiversity and Gender Inclusion Lead, in response to the Cass Review , in particular the suggestion that children and young people expressing a gender identity distinct from that to be expected from their sex as assigned at birth are actually neurodivergent, most likely on the autism spectrum, and experiencing a neurodivergent 'lack of awareness of self/inability to understand gender.' Morgana is an autistic trans woman. Autistic Lack of Self vs. Gender Identity TW for childhood trauma, denial of agency, discussions of transphobia and so on. As a lived experience trainer with The Productive Pessimist, I read 35 pages of The Cass Review to get an actual feeling for what was being said and the tone being taken. From that point onwards the report seemed to move more into the models it would recommend NHS England initiate for clinic sites and a discussion of statistics, neither of which were particularly relevant to my role

Case Study: Supporting a Business Through the Productive Pessimist Performance Plan

(*names and features have been changed for privacy) GullRun Health Services are an independent healthcare provider, established as a Community Interest Company (CIC) who are looking to move away from their current business model, which is heavily dependent on NHS (National Health Service) commissioning.  GullRun want to move away from this model in order to establish a more visible presence in their local area, and also to avoid the significant payment lags that they are experiencing on many of their contracts - in some cases, it has been over a year since the service they were commissioned to provide started seeing patients, and they still haven’t received a single payment from the NHS. This is obviously having an impact on their ability to maintain a prudent level of reserve funding, and preventing them from addressing pressing healthcare needs within their communities. GullRun Health Services approached The Productive Pessimist Ltd, and requested a supported session working through

Planting 2029

2024. A new year, a new five year plan - and one that brings us to the eve of not just a new year, but a new decade!  This  five-year plan is going to really count!  No Brexit, no Covid, no new wars... nothing to derail your ambitions from being achieved, and your company, specifically, dragging the entire British economy back to its feet. Nothing stopping you achieving your personal goals. You absolutely would  have been a better person by now, except so much has happened in the past few years... honestly, no one could really  expect you to achieve anything when things in the wider world just kept happening. Pro tip: 2029 won't be any different for you, for your company, for the country, than 2024.  Five-year plans don't work; over 300 years of government by carefully pre-selected elected representatives who have always best represented their own interests should have taught us that particular lesson by now. Wherever you are in 2029, it's mostly going to be by accident, ra