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A blue wave beginning to gather pace and size, symbolising that things are about to happen


Lowestoft Creatives, Entrepreneurs, and Solopreneurs Networking

Last Sunday of the month, 10.30am-12pm, East Point Pavilion, NR33 0AP

Book on Eventbrite

FREE to attend.
Car park adjacent, short walk from Lowestoft train station, 10min walk Lowestoft bus station.

Ground floor, level access throughout.
Changing Places toilet, accessible toilet, male/female toilets.

Independent food and drink options on-site.
Seafront location.

Meet, chat, engage, and explore.

Tel number for contact on the day: 0748 2017 927

At recent get-togethers, we've been introduced to plans to rejuvenate and revitalise Lowestoft seafront, discussed the challenges of entrepreneurship from a position of being on Universal Credit, and explored the ways different age groups can support each other. 

What will YOU talk about next week?

Our Book - Free!
Get Your Copy here

"People Have a Problem With Your Attitude"
  Why Pessimists Succeed (and how you can, too)

Why PDF?
> Because sharing is caring - no need to try and guess how many people in your organisation might want to become Productive Pessimists (or might already be among our illustrious ranks!) - simply grab one PDF, and it can be sent to anyone who needs it, or whom you feel would benefit from reading it.

> Because PDFs are more accessible - you can change the text size, Adobe Reader has a built in screen-reader... we love physical books, but, for accessibility, PDFs win hands-down. And it means we can make it cheaper, too, which is a win in these challenging times. 

> Because waiting on delivery sucks 

> Because we want to see an alternative to Amazon  - Productive Pessimism means that, when you see something you don't like, you do different. Amazon are a mixed blessing - when you both create and control the opportunities, it rarely ends well for anyone coming to the party, however good your intentions may have been.

> Why not? - this possibly sounds a little too much like an optimist's rallying cry, but hey - even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Perceived wisdom, established ways of doing things, need to be questioned from time to time.


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