11.30am-2pm Thursday 22nd May 2025
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£25 (+Eventbrite fee) for companies looking for fully remote-based teams & colleagues.
FREE for those looking to make their next career move.
11.30am-2pm Thursday 22nd May 2025
Click here to book
£25 (+Eventbrite fee) for companies looking for fully remote-based teams & colleagues.
FREE for those looking to make their next career move.
Our Book - Free!
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Why Pessimists Succeed (and how you can, too)
Why PDF?
> Because sharing is caring - no need to try and guess how many people in your organisation might want to become Productive Pessimists (or might already be among our illustrious ranks!) - simply grab one PDF, and it can be sent to anyone who needs it, or whom you feel would benefit from reading it.
> Because PDFs are more accessible - you can change the text size, Adobe Reader has a built in screen-reader... we love physical books, but, for accessibility, PDFs win hands-down. And it means we can make it cheaper, too, which is a win in these challenging times.
> Because waiting on delivery sucks
Why PDF?
> Because sharing is caring - no need to try and guess how many people in your organisation might want to become Productive Pessimists (or might already be among our illustrious ranks!) - simply grab one PDF, and it can be sent to anyone who needs it, or whom you feel would benefit from reading it.
> Because PDFs are more accessible - you can change the text size, Adobe Reader has a built in screen-reader... we love physical books, but, for accessibility, PDFs win hands-down. And it means we can make it cheaper, too, which is a win in these challenging times.
> Because waiting on delivery sucks
> Because we want to see an alternative to Amazon - Productive Pessimism means that, when you see something you don't like, you do different. Amazon are a mixed blessing - when you both create and control the opportunities, it rarely ends well for anyone coming to the party, however good your intentions may have been.
> Why not? - this possibly sounds a little too much like an optimist's rallying cry, but hey - even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Perceived wisdom, established ways of doing things, need to be questioned from time to time.
> Why not? - this possibly sounds a little too much like an optimist's rallying cry, but hey - even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Perceived wisdom, established ways of doing things, need to be questioned from time to time.
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