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Showing posts with the label resilience

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Reskill

  Re-skilling isn't about your current skillset being obsolete, or at risk of being overtaken by developments in the business sphere. Re-skilling is the "fourth R" in the sustainability focus cycle, and, increasingly, that sustainability cycle is being seen not as "second best", or "something to consider for some quirky retro content", but as central to personal resilience and business success. Reduce means identifying what's necessary, important, and the cause, not just a symptom. At The Productive Pessimist Ltd, we focus on helping you reduce your problems, down to the one  issue which is actually your barrier. We work with you to reduce the distractions to your strategic focus, and reduce the number of steps from where you are now to where you want to be. Reuse prompts you to hold a 'stock' of approaches, skills, and mindsets which can be applied to a diverse range of challenges and opportunities. For example: communication  is a skill w...

Entering and Ending - and Approaching a Beginning

  We're roughly a week away from "full-on" festive season for many people.  For my household (Pagan - eclectic in general, with Norse leanings on my side, and Celtic on my wife's) we're just five days from Solstice, our winter celebration. For those who are mystically inclined, five is a dynamic number, promising positive change through effective communication - so, five days before one of my major points of celebration seems a good time to talk about the power of Productive Pessimism, and encourage you to consider making a booking for 2024 - or sooner, if you're ready for change right now! How Can Pessimism Be Productive?! I know what you're thinking - "Pessimism isn't productive! I don't want a bunch of Negative Neils whinging on around my ideas and projects!" Absolutely - nobody wants a Neg coming in and being a killjoy. That's not what Productive Pessimism is about - pessimism is "the expectation that bad things will happen...