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Our Services

A brightly lit beach scene showing surfers heading out to sea with their surf boards - representing working together, and mutual support
Working Together to Ride Your Waves, Your Way

We're actively seeking mentorship & investment partners - could that be you? Read our overview investment call, or Check out our full pitch deck

Business Consultancy

Specialising in the following areas:
. Inclusion (specialist remits: disability, neurodiversity & transgender inclusion, equity & access, class experience and identity, poverty, rural experience and identity)
. Change & Crisis

. Strategic Growth
. Succession Planning

£280 per day/£150 half day (discounted rates for registered charities.) Reasonable expenses required in advance where necessary and agreed in writing prior - these will typically be public transport travel, and overnight accommodation.

£10 "Quick Question" - single response by email or text message on all topics covered above.

Professional Life, Business, and Success Coaching

Offered remotely across the UK, or in person in Great Yarmouth and Waveney, and central Norwich.

£45 per hour (min 1hr booking) - if booking for email support, £45 provides 3 email exchanges.


Self-Paced E-Learning, Ideal for Individuals/Personal Development:

. How To Be A Pessimist: £10
1hr commitment
1 multiple choice quiz

. The Productive Pessimist Performance Plan: £10
Ideal for individuals, couples, or organisations to address their biggest challenges. 
We also offer a supported work-through of The Productive Pessimist Performance Plan for groups of 6 or more; this is £50 for a remote session, or £85 + travel expenses for on-site sessions for corporate clients.

Confident Disability/Confident Neurodivergence - £25, or both courses for £40
A blend of career coaching, 1:1 mentoring, and productivity hacking, designed to help you identify and unlock your strengths, and create a game plan for succeeding on your terms.

. Going for Goals - £25
Helping you identify, set, and achieve your goals.

. From Carp About the Day to Carpe Diem: £75
Course follows our Productive Pessimist Performance Plan
Full tutor support
Printable Certificate of Achievement
This course is sent in four parts, each of which ends with a reviewed exam - you won't receive Part 2 until you've submitted your Part 1 exam, etc.

Corporate Provisions:

. Neurodiversity Awareness: £150 (4hrs remote tutor-led, lived experience provision)

Disability Awareness: £150 (4hrs remote tutor-led, lived experience provision)

LGBTQ+ Awareness: £150 (4hrs remote tutor-led, lived experience provision)

. Trauma-Informed Workplaces: £350  (full day on-site, lived experience, tutor-led provision)

Management Courses:

. Sell Your Vision: £120 (3hrs, remote provision; on-site by arrangement, cost to include expenses)
How to make necessary change wanted, so you can move forward, faster.

. Crisis, What Crisis? £350 (full day on-site provision)
Identifying, managing, and making a success of crises.

Who Comes Next? £300 (full day remote, tutor-led provision)

Business 'Critical Friend': £800 per month, £2,000 for 3mths, £4,000 for 6mths, or £8,000 per year
Available for 'on-demand' phone and email support for instant-response to operational and inter-personal business challenges as they happen, plus up to 5 days per month on-site calls.

Interviewed an exceptional candidate, but worried about how to accommodate their disability, neurodivergence, identity, or experience? Give us a call, drop us a line, get us on-site, and we can make the experience as easy as possible for both you and your new hire.

Had an inclusion issue, and HR are feeling uncomfortable about how to handle it? We can step in to offer support, a listening ear, and reassurance.

Tailored Pessimism: £17.00

Ideal for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Identify up to three topics/sectors/areas of interest, and we will provide you with tailored 'Productive Pessimism' takes on current affairs, legislative changes, etc related to these areas.

Tailored Pessimism sent weekly by email.

Translation of Scripts Written in English to BSL-Friendly Text
BSL (British Sign Language) has its own grammar, which doesn't match written English grammar.

There are also phrases which are readily intelligible, although actually nonsensical, to hearing people, which are impossible to easily sign, as BSL is very visual-spatial, so relies on concrete concepts. 
(A recent example from a play script was the lines: "150 years ago, the future came. Factories grew like weeds." - BSL doesn't allow for two different time periods - the 'past' of 150 years ago, and 'the future' - to occur simultaneously, and simile - 'factories grew like weeds' - isn't something that is readily conveyed in BSL.)

Morgana, who is a Level 3 BSL user, with familiarity with Level 4 concepts and signs, is available to translate English scripts to BSL English, allowing D/deaf actors whose first language is BSL to be fully included in theatre and drama. 

This service is charged at £120 per act (eg; 1 act play = £120, 3 act play = £360); a 15% discount is offered for amateur companies who charge a purely nominal ticket fee for performances. Turnaround is 2-5 working days, dependent on script length.

Public Speaking

£500 sole appearance, or £200 panel appearance.
Topics covered:
. Lived Experience - Sight Loss 
. Lived Experience - Schizophrenia
. Lived Experience - Male Identity as a Trans Man
. Lived Experience - 'Female Autism' as a Trans Woman

. Masculinity In a Feminine-Focused World
Exploring modern roles for contemporary masculinity, why men are struggling with their social transition period, and what it feels like to be a 21st-century man facing many responsibilities which are still centred as "women's work", such as care, household management, etc.

. Surviving and Thriving Car-Free
Discussing the process of managing daily life, in rural England, with disability, without the ability to drive (and without the money to employ a chauffeur, or take taxis!)

Minimum 72hrs notice for public speaking engagements.

To book any of our services, or for more information, just drop us an email:

Follow this link to go to our Booking/Expression of Interest form for individual life coaching/business coaching and consultancy.

This link opens a Google Doc form; if you would prefer a .doc or PDF form, please email us, and we'll send that across.

If you would prefer to contact us by phone, give us a call or drop us a text: 0748 2017 927


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