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How Do I Identify Development Needs?

  "I think you'd benefit from some personal development." "We need to develop ourselves as an organisation." You've probably all heard at least one of these, or, if you haven't, you're likely to have had occasional thoughts - probably around the 1st of January! - about 'self-improvement' or 'personal development'. But how do you know what you need to develop or improve about yourself, your team, or your organisation? Well, what is guaranteed to make you absolutely furious? What is the recurring focus of your bad dreams and Monday-morning blues? That's your brain telling you, in its unique, sideways way, what you need to work on. If you get furious about the fact that your team never seem to do anything they're asked, and, to all appearances, just sit there in between project check-ins twiddling their thumbs - your development needs are motivational communication, resilience, and adaptability. (Yes, your team likely have develo

Cruel to be Kind

  Today is World Kindness Day. One of those days that has me rolling me eyes so hard, I risk having to explain to my ophthalmology consultant exactly how I lost the remaining 45% of my sight in under an hour. Of course you shouldn't just go around being an arsehole to people for the sake of it, of course a bit of small talk can oil a lot of wheels, and everyone's over edge lords and their "I don't care about your feelings!" shtick, but... Kindness doesn't help anyone. Kindness is telling someone, for 16+ years, that their drawings and paintings are amazing, and then leaving them to deal with the fall out of discovering they can't turn their passion for art into a career on their own when the market goes "That's sh*t - I wouldn't give you a spare fart for it, mate." Kindness is telling someone that they "just need to find their tribe", when what they actually  need to do is learn to communicate in styles that aren't their per

What's Wrong With You?

  One of my personal frustrations is when people or companies say they want a slice of an absolutely huge pie, that's showing itself very well in just about every class - eg, a business sector that's romping all over the board, and bringing in profits with barely any effort - but then seem to find any and every reason to take as long as possible actually getting round to even picking up a plate! I go bodyboarding when I get the time. One of the key facts in that world is that, by the time EVERYONE is able to see a wave breaking, if you're not already riding it, it's too late. The same is true in business. Whether it's an individual or a company being a hesitant wallflower in the face of the ride of a lifetime, the motivation seems to be the same: they'll waste time on business cases, business plans, and, if they're an organisation, corporate governance. The prevailing attitude, certainly in the UK, often seems to be that business cases and business plans hav

Power Up With The Productive Pessimist

  Negative is also a charge - and it may just be the power your business needs to get future-ready, and move forward at pace. Negativity can destroy a project - but, if it's applied before the project starts , pessimism can create  a project with so much momentum and collective will behind it, it genuinely is unstoppable. How many of your projects have been brought to a crashing halt by governance challenges? And hasn't that, if you're honest, made you hate governance, and seek to avoid it?  What if you could get the insight of a productive pessimist during scoping - someone who would help you 'fail fast', and work with you to destruction-test project plans in rapid succession, so that what you eventually submitted to governance was so spot-on, so aligned with your organisation's values, that it couldn't   fail? The Productive Pessimist   offers a three-day 'rapid response' consultancy for project teams, by the end of which you're guaranteed to h