We're roughly a week away from "full-on" festive season for many people. For my household (Pagan - eclectic in general, with Norse leanings on my side, and Celtic on my wife's) we're just five days from Solstice, our winter celebration.
For those who are mystically inclined, five is a dynamic number, promising positive change through effective communication - so, five days before one of my major points of celebration seems a good time to talk about the power of Productive Pessimism, and encourage you to consider making a booking for 2024 - or sooner, if you're ready for change right now!
How Can Pessimism Be Productive?!
I know what you're thinking - "Pessimism isn't productive! I don't want a bunch of Negative Neils whinging on around my ideas and projects!"
Absolutely - nobody wants a Neg coming in and being a killjoy.
That's not what Productive Pessimism is about - pessimism is "the expectation that bad things will happen", according to the Oxford English Dictionary. In business and life, it's knowing that, if something can go wrong, it will. Productive Pessimism is about taking that knowledge, and using it to fail-proof ideas, ambitions, initiatives, and goals.
Negativity says "You can't, because..."
Pessimism says "You might be able to, but..."
Productive Pessimism says "You will, despite the challenges, because..."
Productive Pessimism 'shows the working' of the answer to the most important - and most overlooked - question in any kind of change: "Why is this a bad idea?" and then leads you forward, through the working, and into the answer of, "In the light of all the reasons why not, why will the decision we made not just work, but succeed beyond everyone's expectations?"
Consider a Productive Pessimist to be a "professional enthusiasm curber". Not because we want to stop change, passion, and initiative, but because we want to ensure whatever you decide to do is in the finest possible fettle to reach and maintain peak success.
What Makes YOU the Best Person to Hire?
My pessimism isn't something I learned in order to launch a brand. It's something that comes naturally, in a very rough, raw form, that I've had to work with, shape, and hone to a point of usefulness. I'm entirely capable of just pointing out the downsides all day long - but I've done the work to take those downsides, and develop resilience around them. That offers genuine value to individuals and businesses, and makes me a more balanced and effective person.
Because I've done the work on myself, it's a far smoother process to apply it on behalf of others.
What Do I Get?
At the end of every session, you'll be provided with the following:
. A 'mind map' of failure-resistant ideas linked to your original ambition or intention
. A series of achievable steps, in the form of SMARTIE (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Inspiring, and Explainable) tasks towards your goal.
. A fully developed action plan (for life ambitions), business plan (for entrepreneurial focus) or business case (for change motivations)
How Much is it Going to Cost Me?
Our minimum booking is 30minutes, for £30.
Our hourly rate is £50 per hour.
Our day rate is £350 per day. (8hrs)
We also have individual elements of support available - check out our Services page for details.
Availability From 17th Dec-31st Dec:
. Sunday 17th Dec - Available for remote sessions only from 8am-4pm
. Monday 18th Dec - Available for remote sessions only 5pm-7pm
. Tuesday 19th Dec - Available for remote sessions only 5pm-7pm
. Friday 22nd Dec - Available for remote sessions only 5pm-9pm
. Saturday 23rd Dec - Available 10am-4pm, in person Lowestoft, Beccles, or Great Yarmouth, or remote
. Sunday 24th Dec - Available 10am-4pm in person Lowestoft only, or remote
. Monday 25th Dec - Available 10am-4pm remote only
. Tuesday 26th Dec - Available 8am-6pm in person Lowestoft only, or remote
. Wednesday 27th - available 3pm-7pm remote only
. Thursday 28th - available 5pm-8pm remote only
. Friday 29th - available 2pm-8pm remote only
. Saturday 30th - available 10am-4pm in person Norwich, Lowestoft, Beccles, Great Yarmouth, or remote
. Sunday 31st - available 10am-2pm in person Lowestoft only, or remote
. Monday 1st Jan - 10am-4pm in person Lowestoft only
. Tuesday 2nd Jan - 10am-1pm remote only
. Wednesday 3rd Jan - 5pm-7pm remote only
. Thursday 4th Jan - 5pm-7pm remote only
. Friday 5th Jan - 5pm-8pm remote only
. Saturday 6th Jan - 9am-5pm in person Lowestoft, Great Yarmouth, Beccles, or remote
. Sunday 7th Jan - 10am-2pm in person Norwich, Lowestoft, Great Yarmouth, Swaffham, Dereham, 5pm-8pm remote only
To book, just email theproductivepessimist@yahoo.com
Why not get in touch, and get a head start on your New Year resolutions, your 2024 change ambitions, or the new business that will bring you the new life you deserve?
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