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Showing posts with the label negative people

Power Up With The Productive Pessimist

  Negative is also a charge - and it may just be the power your business needs to get future-ready, and move forward at pace. Negativity can destroy a project - but, if it's applied before the project starts , pessimism can create  a project with so much momentum and collective will behind it, it genuinely is unstoppable. How many of your projects have been brought to a crashing halt by governance challenges? And hasn't that, if you're honest, made you hate governance, and seek to avoid it?  What if you could get the insight of a productive pessimist during scoping - someone who would help you 'fail fast', and work with you to destruction-test project plans in rapid succession, so that what you eventually submitted to governance was so spot-on, so aligned with your organisation's values, that it couldn't   fail? The Productive Pessimist   offers a three-day 'rapid response' consultancy for project teams, by the end of which you're guaranteed to h...