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Showing posts with the label impact

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Reskill

  Re-skilling isn't about your current skillset being obsolete, or at risk of being overtaken by developments in the business sphere. Re-skilling is the "fourth R" in the sustainability focus cycle, and, increasingly, that sustainability cycle is being seen not as "second best", or "something to consider for some quirky retro content", but as central to personal resilience and business success. Reduce means identifying what's necessary, important, and the cause, not just a symptom. At The Productive Pessimist Ltd, we focus on helping you reduce your problems, down to the one  issue which is actually your barrier. We work with you to reduce the distractions to your strategic focus, and reduce the number of steps from where you are now to where you want to be. Reuse prompts you to hold a 'stock' of approaches, skills, and mindsets which can be applied to a diverse range of challenges and opportunities. For example: communication  is a skill w...

Social Care Reform Commentary

  This is the main text of an article raising a critical eye at the UK government's recently announced social care reforms - which, themselves, are essential to ensure robust resilience, and an ability to actually implement, the planned reforms to the NHS. Our response here is intentionally brief, and intended to serve as an introduction and invitation to health and social care organisations, and other businesses, in the UK to partner with us to solve the problems they perceive with necessary systemic transformation. The cart before the horse Labour’s burning desire to reform the NHS, reduce waiting lists, and give patients greater autonomy and choice, relies on social care reforms; social care reforms which won’t even begin to be considered - by the groan-inducing “Commission” - until April 2025, with a very slow burn to a potential action plan being available sometime in 2028 - just in time for another General Election, and, very likely - given Labour’s proven ability to alienate...