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Showing posts with the label events industry

How To Keep Events Retail Alive, Inclusively

  Recently, we were asked "if wedding fayres actually make any money, & how resilient they're likely to be." The ask came from someone who had attended a wedding show as an interested observer, and hadn't noticed a great many customers in the time they were there. While the wedding industry is not our focus, challenges to all sectors, including retail, absolutely falls under our strategic leadership focus. The wedding industry, in particular, is very much feeling the impact of people buying formal wear through vintage, thrift, and low-cost online retailers, because it is more affordable. However, many of those people, particularly brides, still want an "experience" as part of their wedding preparations, which is something wedding retailers used to give as a loss-lead, knowing they'd sell high-mark-up dresses as a result of the "pamper day experience", and make a plentiful amount of income from even just one session. Online retail, and its ...